Privacy Policy
As a legal entity sanctioned by Baseball Australia - the governing body for the conduct of baseball and baseball-related activities in this country - Australian Baseball Alumni is subject to, and fully accepts, the principles and procedures governing privacy. Accordingly, Australian Baseball Alumni has adopted the Baseball Australia Privacy Policy and has accepted its binding applicability to our activities.
Your privacy is important to Baseball Australia. We are committed to ensuring that information we hold about you is held securely and that your confidentiality is protected.
Baseball Australia complies with the National Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act.
To this extent, this Privacy Policy aims to explain the application of the National Privacy Principles to the particular business of Baseball Australia. Consequently, this Policy should be read in conjunction with the National Privacy Principles. To the extent that there is any direct inconsistency between this Policy and the National Privacy Principles, the Principles prevail. The National Privacy Principles may be viewed at the Privacy Commissionsr’s website www.privacy.gov.au. The Privacy Commissioner’s contact details can also be found on the website.
We support:
- fair and open collection practices;
- processes that ensure information is accurate, complete and current;
- individuals’right to see and where necessary corrent information about themselves; and
- limiting the use of information.
This Policy explains how we treat information that we hold about you. It details the type of information we collect, how we may use that information, to whom we allow access and how we protect it. Baseball Australia reserves the right to change the terms of this Policy.
If you have any questions relating to this Privacy Policy, or you would like the current version (in the event that since the issue of this version, the Policy has been changed), please contact the Baseball Australia Head Office.